The Bloody God and the Bleeding God
I’ve been reading the Old Testament. It’s a great story, despite Leviticus’ by-laws and Numbers’ numbers. However, reading it is an...
Religious Virtuosity: The Spiritual Life on Automatic Pilot
Growing up is, among other possibilities, a process of learning how to do things. We learn to walk and talk, to tie our shoes, and to...
Warm Hearted Waiting in a Cold Season
Advent dates back to the mid-sixth century. By the 13th century, the whole church recognized the four Sundays leading up to Christmas as...
Thanksgiving 2014: A Mid-November Meditation
It is truly sad that Thanksgiving has become little more than the opening act for a season of spendthrift Christmas shopping. Gratitude...
Part of God's Family or Just an Employee?
While working my way through Romans 8 recently, I was struck by how Paul described the Holy Spirit as the “Spirit of adoption” (Romans...

Bi-Vocational Pastors: Getting a Rest and a Break
I can’t imagine what it would be like to pastor a church and also work full-time doing something else. How do you do it? Yet, there are...
The Whole Earth Is Full of His Glory
This morning I was catching up on what I “should” have been reading during my quiet time the past few days. It wasn’t because I’ve been...
The Holidays: Trying To Be Happier Than We Are
We are on the cusp of what most Americans now refer to, somewhat vaguely, as “the holidays.” The phrase conjures up cold, crisp air,...

A Break In Our Routine: New York as a Sabbath Rest
Central Park Zoo So, if you host a retreat center in the hills and forests of New Hampshire, where do you go when you want a break? ...
Life, Limits, And the Pursuit of Happiness
If you would like a genuine spiritual experience, here’s a suggestion. Next time you’re out and about on a Sunday afternoon—let’s say...