Thanksgiving, In Particular
"Count your blessings, name them one by one; Count your many blessings see what God hath done." ("Count Your Blessings," lyrics by...

Easter Is More Than a Happy Ending
We tend to view Easter as the happy end of the story of Jesus, but, when you stop to think about it, it’s really the beginning of another...

Good Friday Meditation: April 14, 2017, Noon to 3pm
It is noon, and I am sitting in the last pew, in the back of the church. I am here because it is Good Friday. I do not have any deep...

Putting aside the Christmas to-do List: A Christmas Meditation
Despite the fact that stores have been putting up Christmas displays since Labor Day, Christmas still has a way of sneaking up on you. ...
Thanksgiving Meditation: A Sense of Sin and the Joy of Gratitude (Huh?!)
Thanks-giving is a by-product of a certain way of looking at life, a way of looking that has eyes to see the goodness of God and the...

Easter Expectations and Real Life
I’ve lived in New England long enough to know that spring isn’t always what it’s cracked up to be. Jill and I initially discovered this...
Upgraded Security on Our Website
We discovered a few days ago that the blog page of our website had been hacked. We took down the inappropriate content of the hacked...
The Spirituality of Taking a Vacation
We just returned from a trip to Nova Scotia, and I realized something important about vacations: you cannot arrive at relaxation until...

A Late Autumn Walk at Dusk
(Note: this first appeared on the Internet Monk, February 5, 2016.) Dusk is my favorite time for walking, when the sun has just set over...
Thanksgiving: You Can't Sell Gratitude
As I write, the Halloween decorations are being taken down and the Christmas decorations are going up. Halloween candy is selling at half...